Saturday, February 2, 2008

How to French Kiss - Are you a "Good Kisser"?

Learning how to French kiss can be the most important thing you'll ever learn. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's true (like alot of things). For some weird reason, women love to judge a guy by the way he kisses. What I mean by this, is that if you are a "bad kisser", then you are in deep doo-doo. There is no way to ever get back any credit or respect from a lady who has labeled you as a "bad kisser". On the other hand, if you're a "good kisser" then you have a good thing going.

Regardless of gender, it is important that you know How to French Kiss. French kissing is a very intimate and passionate type of kissing that allows two people to share themselves physically using their lips, mouth and tongue. There are certain techniques that are required to be a master kisser, and hopefully you'll do your best to learn all you can about how to French kiss.

So, do you consider yourself a good kisser? Before you answer that, answer the following questions:

1. After you are done kissing, does your partner let out some type of sigh or a "ummm, that was fantastic" indicator?

2. Does your partner lick their lips after you are done kissing them?

3. Do you use your hands to hold your partner close while you are kissing? Do you caress the back of their neck, their hair, or face?

4. Does your breath smell neutral or otherwise not smell funky during the kiss? (Here's a hint ..if you can smell your own breath, and it stinks, then chances are pretty good that your partner smelled it, too).

5. Do you take your time and kiss your partner slowly with a soft and supple tongue?

6. Do you give plenty of closed mouth kisses before progressing into the French kiss?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then you need to work on your French kissing skills. These are just a few of the very important things to remember when you are kissing (or about to kiss) your partner.

There is some awesome information in this book about kissing techniques that tells you how to be the best kisser your partner has ever had, and how you can now be labeled a "good kisser" forever. I highly recommend it.

Learn how to French kiss, please, and keep your partner happy!

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